
What I recently made

September is a busy birthday month for my family and friends.

My mother n laws is just a few days ahead of mine, which were both last week. 

The kids tell me so often how much she loves frogs. 

So I got to creating! 

Meet, Give a Ribbit!

When I was in junior high, high school and college, I collected frogs myself. I'd even spend hours on my front porch taking as many pictures possible aiming for just the perfect one. This was back in the film days. So needless to say I ended up with a lot of unwanted pictures. Which then makes me think back to when people first were going digital. I was photographing weddings at the time enjoying my film camera. For a solid year, I fought myself in the mind set on there's no reason to go digital I am fine. Although, there's a few things I miss about the film world digital out weighs it by a long, long shot! 

My love of frogs gave me the inspiration to create this guy. Isn't this little guy the cutest little thing you've every seen. My oldest daughter tried to take it from me when I finished creating him. Starting out with a 10x10 gallery wrap, which is my most favorite size to work on and gallery wrap is my most favorite type of canvas to create on, I pasted scrape pages as the background. Once dry, I smeared a few hints of light green paint on the edges. Bubble wrap was used to make a touch of white spots. This was carried on over to the edges of the canvas where I worked some dark brown in as well. I always tried to create a paint pattern on the edges of the canvas that will coordinate with the background. As I type this, I realize the side of the canvas was not captured, maybe next time!

On to creating the frog himself, I pulled some pillow stuff I hand on hand out. Several years ago, I made window seat cushions and have a few bags of stuffing left over. It's one of many things I've kept in my supple closet making for lots of great creations. Forming what looked like a frog to me after glancing over a clipart of a frog, I glued the painted green stuffing to the canvas. Making his eyes, mouth, dots, front feet, back legs and stomach piece everything came together so nicely. I was truly happy with his out come. 

Hope he brings a JOYFUL ribbit to his new home!

Do you collect frogs?
Do you miss film photography?

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