I like a clean fresh start !!!

This Art Journal page is titled Good Mail Day
It was inspired by the Good Mail Day book I found
at Michael's craft. I was drawn to it merely because my love
of stamps and mail since childhood. My dad and I had a stamp collection
and I had several pen pals as a child!

Looking for a "clean fresh start" here
at the new year, I am posting my last two
art journal pages as well! I hope you enjoy...

The above page is titled Tags, inspired by my tag collection.
As far back as a child, I can remember liking cool looking tags.
As an adult, I have held onto several of them, making a collection.
I copied these on my copier/printer. I didn't want to use
the originals. I printed, cut and pasted! Using two paint colors, fresh foliage green
and Indian turquoise, I smeared along the white spaces that appeared
between the pasted tags. I then outline some areas with a dark brown marker
and hand wrote the word "Tags" with the same brown marker.

The above art journal page is titled Button's,
even though I left the s off the big pink word
Something else I have liked since childhood!
On the right side of the page I wrote what buttons
mean to me:
buttons remind me of my grandmother
I collect buttons
my childhood dogs name was buttons.
I spent alot of time in the material store with my grandmother
growing up. Due to her being handicap, smocks were really easy
for her to wear on a day to day basis. A friend of hers
would make them for her once she purchased the material
 and buttons.
I made copies of several of my buttons from my
own personal collection to use on this art journal page.

Here is a look back at each page from my art journal
from start to finish. I still have lots of empty pages left,
but when the time arises I will fill them with lots
of good created ideas, engery...

Thank you for following me on this journey.
If anything, I have gain a good sense of who I am as an
artist and where my little creative learning mind is going.

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