Major Mommie Goof

Having pet peeves, I believe keeps us in check with our maker.

The last Bible study for the semester was yesterday finishing up Breathe by Priscilla Shirer.

Only, I didn't go.

It's been eight years since I had a middle school age child. Think of eight years ahead putting a highchair in your home after your last child. Think of your last child learning to drive eight years from now. Will you remember everything? Or will it hit you in the face beforehand?

"Exams. Wait. What? I am not ready for this."

6th Grade is wonderful. Great maturing time for the kids. As mine said the other day, "I like knowing no one's holding my hand."

Not giving exams a thought, I commit myself to a major "outreach" project with my friends at Bible study. Tuesday is my day doing life with other mothers. A repeating cycle of connection. A time to be around actual adults.

Postcards made.

Connect wall updated about the project.

Then it hit me. My daughter lay sleeping on the dining room floor next to me. She'd been studying while I made notecards on Quizlet for the next day's exam. A conversation on the way home from school reminded me "I will be done at 9 o'clock or 9:50 with my exam."

The next morning, I updated every one of my major goof.

My biggest pet peeve is saying I'll do something then something get's in the way. It can paralyze my soul feeling like a failure if I allow it.

While Bible study was in progress, I rest in His presence. Listening to His communication about this major goof, I was reminded we are not restrained from failing. Often these times are used for Him teaching us something, cleansing us and growing us closer to Him. Also, can be used for others around us to see, "oh they fall too". If my fall helps even one person relate, have at it, Lord. We all desperately need God and His mercy and grace in our lives.

Have you failed at something recent?

The enemy wants us to believe:

we are true failures
everyone will talk about
you are a total idiot
no one will trust you

Moving forward can be impossible if we allow the enemy to win.

If you goof move on. Listen for His quite subtle voice to still your soul. It is possible to move on.

The secret recovery of a failure is simple.

Cling to Him.

Cling to His word.



Move on.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26

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