Should I Teach My Kids To Do The Laundry

Doing Laundry: a teaching tool for in this life there will be things we don't always want to be doing. It's about where we start. When we celebrate the truth by saying thank you for these clothes, the job which ables us to purchase clothes and the precious bodies in which fill the inside of the clothing. Life is busy. I get it! Let Him take over. Worship. Turn on positive encouraging music. Lift up what we are fighting against and be reminded doing laundry is the start of something good. He is working on us through the process. Because we are all unfinished. Much like our laundry always is. 

If i haven't taught my children anything else in life it's been to do the laundry regardless. I want them to experience the process of doing things in life we don't always want to be doing but if we seek to do them we find victory through the process. #growth

Be reminded our children are watching how we do the laundry. How we handle the frustration of not really wanting to do something.

Be reminded our children should also be helping with the laundry, not as a chore, but a beautiful life lesson.

I am thankful for the laundry my family conquered today!

Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” John 13:7 

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