What is the best gift

A Gift More Precious Than Gold: the gift of eternal life. Have you accepted Jesus into your heart? Think about that for a second, think about the people you come across in your daily life who may or may not be really saved. We can walk the streets of everyday life assuming people around us are saved. Being mindful our Christ like actions touch those around us. The unsaved might not jump to our presence, jump to our actions but He still uses us as part of their testimony. You know how you can't rush a baby to walk. You can't rush someone's salvation. Patients. Persistence. Head up. Aware. Be the light. We are His messengers. Think outside your box today. Speak to those around you. Smile. Wave. Let someone out in traffic. Pay for someone's meal. Check on a neighbor. Send a hello text. Place a card in the mail. Not everyone has family. Not everyone has a friend tribe. 
#servants #christservants #weareone

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