Listen to the words...

Do you ever truly
sit listening to the words
of a song or do you go just
for the sound, the beat!?

I'd say I do both from time to time.
When I listen to the words,
I strongly hold on to them.

It might be a few words,
the chorus or a mix of words
through out that I might
compile in my own

Today while cleaning (serving)
my daughters 
book case out
(she's on a mission trip,
chi alpha), I turned 
her radio on and 
listened to klove.

Christian music artist 
Meredith Andrews 
was a guest 
on the air today.

So of course 
they played 
her songs. The one that 
stuck out to me was 
I didn't know the 
name of the song 
at the time. 
The words that stuck 
out were, don't hide 
who you are.

So I googled 
those words with 
Meredith's name. 
came up. 
So rather than 
sharing a video with 
the music and all 
I thought I'd 
share the 

See what 
grabs at your 

Pieces by Meredith Andrews

Verse:- 1
It's a complex puzzle you call your life
It's an uphill climb, it's a constant fight
And it wears you down
Feeling like you're alone, like you don't belong
And you won't be loved if you don't measure up
And you wear your scars
Like they're who you are
Give Him your wounds, your bruised and broken pieces
All your questions, all your secrets
You don't have to hide who you are
You belong to someone greater
Than all your past mistakes and failures
Rested who He is
He knows how to make your pieces fit
Verse:- 2
He's the light on the road when you're lost in the dark
And He won't run away if you show your heart
Wants you to believe it
You can taste that freedom
When you give Him your wounds, your bruised and broken pieces
All your questions, all your secrets
You don't have to hide who you are
You belong to someone greater
Than all your past mistakes and failures
Rested who He is
He knows how to make your pieces fit
You are completely known
You are completely loved
This is where you belong
Give Him your wounds, your bruised and broken pieces
All your questions, all your secrets
You don't have to hide who you are
You belong to someone greater
Than all your past mistakes and failures
Rested who He is
He knows how to make your pieces fit

Ways to serve this holiday weekend

Peace does not come just because we wish for it. 
Peace must be fought for. 
It must be built stone by stone.
~Lyndon Johnson

No matter where you are this holiday
weekend take time to 
serve others. 

Leave alittle of your 
happiness behind...

ways to serve 

speak to others in the elevator, 
make a funny, watch them smile

pick up trash you see,
even if it's on the beach,
in a parking lot
or at a friends house

leave a nice message 
on your receipt 
while out to dinner
or a sticky note at 
a friends house you might
have been invited to

hang your American flag
big or small

break out the red, white and blue
napkins, plates, clothes
towels etc.

help someone who looks 
like they are trying to 
take a family 
 suggest a 
self timer app

remember those 
around you who served 
and are currently serving 
our country

think of those 
who's family members 
maybe away serving 

smile at others

write a message in the sand
for those who serve,
on a napkin, 
sticky note 
in an elevator 

draw a flag in the sand,
on a napkin

visit a cemetery 

visit a national park 

read a book memorial day book
to help understand 
a soliders sacrifice 

write a letter to someone 
serving or send a care package

Most of all remember to acknowledge 
to yourself your service...
IT MEANS a lot!

Enjoy your long weekend!

Summer of Service

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything,
but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do
interfere with what I can do.
~Edward Everett Hale

Summer of Service

What does that look like!?

Summer with kids serving others,
no ones sure to get bored! 

Help your kids identify what serving others is.

Serving others doesn't mean you have to go out 
of the country. You might already being 
serving and just haven't stopped 
to think of it like that! 

Serving brings joy,
love and inspiration to life.
Serve humbly, selflessly, put others
before yourself whole heartedly
without expecting anything in return. 

Serving takes time, energy and effort,
it's simple things that really help people
or things others can't do for themselves.

Doing jobs that might not be your favorite.
Doing jobs that aren't assigned to you.
Noticing things that can be done for someone else
and doing them with out being asked.

pick up trash when you see it on a walk
put shopping carts in bin
open the door for the elders
donate old magazines to local library 
donate old books to local library 
gain a pen pal
write a letter to a solider 
cook a meal for an elder
instead of birthday gift ask for items to donate
give coupons to someone who will use them
give boxtops to someone who's child's school collects them
start a recycling project
make cards for those in a nursing home
encourage others to take a bike ride
share your interest, hobbies, talents with others
set up a book exchange
collect dog supplies and take to shelter
send thank you notes
practice random acts of kindness
run or walk at a charity race
speak to the cashier

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life
by what we give.
~Winston Churchill

Click Here to see a longer list of community service ideas

Click Here to see Bible verse about serving others. 

Use your handy dandy Pinterest to get additional 
ideas. Search community service ideas

Most of all,
don't be discouraged
if your time, your schedule and
your resources don't allow you to serve
like your friend, your family member is or did! 

Facebook can be your mission field also!

If you would like to know ways you
and your family could serve ask me and I'd be
glad to point you in a direction you might
not thought of.

"No exercise is better for the human heart than reaching
down and lifting another up."
Serve out of LOVE!

In an effort to serve in the community
my crew and I are gearing up for a
"summer of service."

Splash of SUNSHINE

Here in the south 
it's been raining for like 
three days!

It's spring for crying out loud. 

Enjoy this video I made!

When there's no sun,
create your own!


I am in LOVE with this song!
I think this guy, Chris August-one of my favorite artist,
read my mind on so many levels!
Marriage is something I am VERY passionate about!
After being married for 17 years and
photographing weddings for 10,
I give you this song to listen to word for word!