Baby it's cold outside, not hardly!
In good ole Mississippi we've been ranking
in 85-100° weather. Like today is 85° only because
it's cloudy. Yesterday was 88° with humidity at 90%.
I am bringing you a goodie for some
Summer cheer what a treat for this time of year,
right, Christmas in July.
Above you will see I have my matte Mod Podge out along with my
folk art vintage white acrylic paint. I covered a
10x10 gallery wrap canvas with paper scrapes
using the Mod Podge coming in behind
with the vintage white paint. I smeared it all along
the edges of the canvas touching the edges
of the papers as well as lightly brushing
over the papers themselves.
I used a piece of burlap painted a goldish brown color
for the trunk of the tree created. Using book pages
I rolled them and Mod Podge them in what looked to be
the perfect place to start the base of the tree.
Using an old piece of cardboard I penciled a
star shape on the back and cut it out with scissors
from my art table. Mod Podge was then placed
on the back while I positioned it with the
ridges of the cardboard facing foreword.
This can be seen in picture below.
Once the Mod Podge dried I knew ornaments would be place
throughout the tree. During the drying process,
throughout the tree. During the drying process,
I gathered the papers I'd use to cut
small circles to use as the ornaments.
When I picked the paper I went
When I picked the paper I went
with my best judgement of how I wanted the tree to feel and look, not
every ones will look like mine, nor the persons next to you. I believe
this is very critical to remember when creating anything whether it
be a meal, a wreath, a living room setting, an outfit etc. Be confident
in your work, your art regards what your working on. It's taking
me years to come to those terms, but mine doesn't look like
theirs. It's not intended to. It's what makes it yours.
And that's very special…
After Mod Podging the ornaments in place,
see them above, I used bubble wrap.
I love me some bubble wrap.
Maybe I should bubble wrap a room…
I used Americans cherry red on the edges
of the canvas.
I even smeared some on the front edges, see further below,
with my finger where I continued using a blue and
a dark brown going for a vintage look.
I worked on this process
until the picture felt complete. The more you create the more you
will learn what that feeling feels like. I've even passed that feeling
before while creating and had to wait awhile longer until I reached
another moment in my creating process
for it to feel complete
once again.
I used a black sharpie or black paint pen, can't remember,
both will work great, to write "have yourself a Merry little
both will work great, to write "have yourself a Merry little
Christmas this year". That's something else I love about the
creative process start with the supplies you have
on hand before you plunge into spending
tons of money.
Green paint and marker was added to the book pages, tree,
as well as the start was paint with hints of bright yellow.
I used this as a teacher gift for my
daughters teacher one year. The plate stand was purchased
from Hobby Lobby.
I love this look.
I love this look.
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