Wednesday Words

Have Faith above ALL…

let your faith be bigger than your fear
don't let bad soil or weeds discourage your faith
Mark 4:40

Let Him stand with you & strengthen you. 
2 Timothy 4:17

We all tend to let things stand in our way from time to time, day to day, but we are called to stand firm holding tightly to His truth. Even when the broken break us we must still stand firm letting Him handle the broken. Joel 2:25

This is a page from my journal from this year. I was in prayer for someone who was fearful about a situation. Once getting deep in the word as I prayed these are the words laid on my heart. I simply wrote with a black pen and a black sharpie. Later I came back in pulling my colored pencils out. May you be encourage not only to have faith, stand firm and have no fear. I also encourage you to grab some color when you journal. It doesn't have to be fancy!

Do you journal?
Do you stand firm?

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